Mission Statement
At St. John Bosco Catholic Primary School, we believe that God is present in the ‘day to day’ life of our school. Our understanding of Christian spirituality is therefore as much about dealing with each other as it is about meeting God.
We aim to nurture a deeper understanding of the Church’s teaching for all those involved in the daily life of the school.
Through the ethos of our school we aim to promote a Christian environment based on gospel values where Jesus Christ is at its heart through celebration and worship.
As a community we will affirm the personal dignity and equality of each member which will be honoured in spirit, in word, in deed and in law.
The school offers each child full access to an enriched and balanced curriculum in order to reach their full potential, challenging the whole community to recognise the unique contribution that each of us can make and work towards making that contribution in the fullest sense.
Our Values
Hard Working | Fair | Generous | Compassionate | Grateful | Forgiving | Faithful | Ambitious | Honest | Respectful | Kind